
Innovations in the application for building permits in Mallorca: a step into the future

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From now on, the Palma City Council's building department will receive visitors without the previously required prior appointment, the "cita previa". This innovation is a clear signal to residents and investors on the island that the city council is striving to optimize administrative processes and make them more accessible. This is made possible by the change of government.

No more "cita previa" required
Previously, it was common practice for interested parties to have to make an appointment before they could visit the town hall in person. However, this procedure proved to be a hindrance to a quick and smooth process. With the abolition of the "cita previa", citizens and investors can now come directly to the town hall between 9 am and 12 noon to present their concerns. This change is aimed at shortening processing times and facilitating access to the necessary services.

Prioritization of older residents and individual support
Another notable aspect of the innovations is the prioritization of residents aged 65 and over. This measure underlines the municipality's commitment to catering to all citizens and in particular to the needs of older people. In addition, specially trained staff will be deployed to provide individualized assistance to people with various disabilities and ensure that their needs are adequately addressed.

Wide range of advisory services
The Building Department offers a wide range of advisory services. These include information on the processing status of building permit applications, documents required for the application, the processing status of notifications or complaints and advice on safety measures for dilapidated buildings. In addition, draughtsmen and technical staff are available to answer general and technical questions to help citizens and investors navigate the urban planning regulations.

Digital accessibility and transparency
The city council has also announced improvements in the digital area to further simplify access to information and services. A clearer website is promised, which should enable citizens to carry out more administrative procedures digitally. This initiative reflects the desire to promote transparency and increase the efficiency of administrative processes.

The changes in the building department of Mallorca's capital Palma are a welcome step towards a more modern and citizen-friendly administration. They show that the Palma City Council is responding to the needs of its citizens and the business community and is keen to remove barriers that could hinder progress and development on the island. For Claus von Benz Immobilien auf mallorca and other players in the real estate sector, these changes represent a significant improvement in the framework conditions, opening up new opportunities for growth and development.
The changes in the building department of Mallorca's capital Palma are a welcome step towards a more modern and citizen-friendly administration. They show that the Palma City Council is responding to the needs of its citizens and the business community and is keen to remove barriers that could hinder progress and development on the island. For Claus von Benz Immobilien auf mallorca and other players in the real estate sector, these changes represent a significant improvement in the framework conditions, opening up new opportunities for growth and development.

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